Circular Economy and
Predictive Modelling

The platform provides a comprehensive understanding about the fate of lithium and all materials connected to it from rock to recycling. Its goal is to minimize the lithium losses and maximize the resource efficiency from a circular economy point of view and adopting a life cycle thinking approach.


Prof. Markus Reuter

Chair „Circular Economy and Predictive Modelling“

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e.V.

Phone +49 (0)351 260 4411

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Research activities
  • Process and system simulation
  • Quantitative sustainability assessment of the lithium value chain:
    • Resource and energy efficiency analysis
    • Economic, environmental and social impact assessment
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Industry activities
  • Providing a digital simulation platform for lithium life cycles
  • Connecting stakeholders within the Circular Economy
  • Informing and advising the stakeholders in the Circular Economy
    Education activities
    • Training young researchers in programs such as  SOKRATES or SINReM
    • Developing new training tools about flowsheet modelling for industry
    • Raising awareness about the sustainability challenges associated to the electric mobility
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    Prof. Guido Sonnemann

    Co-Chair „Circular Economy and Predictive Modelling“

    Institut des Sciences Moléculaires – ISM | University of Bordeaux – UMR 5255 CNRS

    Phone +33 (0)5400 03183

    Send email

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    E-mobility cost study (ECOS)

    ECOS defines the real cost of e-mobility regarding the effects of environmental, monetary and social aspects on overall footprint of e-mobility with special focus on ion lithium batteries. A literature analysis evaluates the existing information along the whole value chain. Key issues are life cycle assessment, business models and responsible sourcing. An additional survey examines how important responsibly produced raw materials, electric engines and batteries are to different actors in the e-mobility value chain.