© Fraunhofer ISC
Organization European Lithium Institute
The European Lithium Institute eLi is an international non-profit organization under Belgian law (AISBL) with headquarters in Brussels (Rue Royale 94, 1000 Brussels, Belgium) and Würzburg (Neunerplatz 2, 97082 Würzburg, Germany). The virtual institute links up competences and infrastructure along the whole lithium value chain to generate focused international cooperation and to enable comprehensive policy and industry advice.
Its founding members are leading European universities and RTOs. These organizations are BRGM, CEA, Fraunhofer ISC, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, KU Leuven, University of Bordeaux and University of Lorraine. Further key players from industry, research and education are welcome to join the institute and to benefit from its synergetic network.
All eLi activities are organized in six platforms. Four platforms cover the whole lithium value chain – from exploration and mining up to recycling. Two additional platforms have a cross-value chain character and use the holistic expertise of eLi to improve life cycle assessment for lithium-ion batteries and to develop new business models.
The management of eLi comprises the Executive Director Dr. Andreas Bittner and the Vice Directors Dr. Etienne Bouyer, Dr. Marion Bechtold and Prof. Dr. Lev Filippov. It includes three committees along the knowledge triangle “Industry”, “Research” and “Education”, which link the different eLi platforms and coordinate cross-cutting activities.
Governing structure of the European Lithium Institute eLi

eLi Handout
You can find a short information about eLi European Lithium Institute in this PDF-handout.